
Connect with God, the Church, and Your Purpose

Our next Rooted Session will begin in April 2025

Rooted is a 10-week small group experience designed to connect you to God, the church, and your purpose. Together, in a group of 10-12 people from all walks of life, you’ll explore the Bible, engage in prayer and serve experiences, share stories, and practice rhythms essential to a healthy spiritual life. Rooted is available 3 times a year, in January, April and September.

No matter where you are on your faith journey, Rooted is a solid next step.

  • 10 weeks + 10 to 12 People
    Group members dialogue over insights and questions prompted by the material.
  • Daily Reading + Reflection
    Each week guides you through five days of reading and reflection. Come each day expecting to learn more about yourself and God.
  • Prayer + Serve + Celebration Experiences
    During the 10 weeks, small groups gather for prayer, serving, and celebrating.